Connection To sql server

  • Thread starter Thread starter Van T. Dinh
  • Start date Start date

Van T. Dinh

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection

Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection
cnn.Open "Provider=SQLOLEDB; Server={YourServer};" & _
"Database={YourDatabase};" & _
"uid={UserName}; pwd={Password}"

'(above is for SQL Server Authentication)

Replace the last line with:


for MS Windows NT Authentication.
Hello there

I need to create the connection to sql server by code.

Can i do this?

any help would be useful
Once you have created the connection using the wizard, where do you find the
code you have listed below?


I am not sure of your question but if you meant you want to create a
Connection Object in code which is the same as your ***ADP*** Connection
then simply use:

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = CurrentProject.Connection

If you are using ***MDB***, the CurrentProject.Connection points to your
MDB, not SQL Server so it is of no help in this case.

Re-post with more details if I guessed incorrectly.
Are you talking about ADP?

If it is the case, use the Menu File / Connection ... to get the ADP
When I try to use the connection wizard, the SQL db connects for a flash and
then disconnects. I have changed everything that I could in wizard. Any

Thanks in advance.

Joel Banks
Not sure but have you got appropriate permission to the SQL Server?

Van T. Dinh
MVP (Access)
Yes I do, I can test the connection and it is okay. Also, the ODBC link
works fine.


Well Van.

The problem is this?

sometimes on my computer the connection to sql server is being stoped and i
need to reconnect it again.

The way i solve this so far is by entering to file -> Connect and reconnect
to sql server. After that i create a function that tests the connection to
sql server on any form i open and if the ADP is not connected it runs the
file -> connect menu automaticly. The problem is that i can work with this
but the client will never do such a thing like that

so my question is: can i do that the file -> connect menu order do with my
code: connectiog to sql server?
Can test at the moment but there is a command:

DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdConnection

you may like to try (I never used it, though).