I had code to use connection strings using integrated windows security and
that's been working OK for years, Now in my testing environment ( a W2k
server and 4 computers on a small LAN all with fixed IP's) I had to change
my IP address ranges from 192.168.1.xxx to 192.168.0.xxx. That should not
affect any connections since my network worked fine after that as before. I
can ping between all I can see the folders that I want as I want to. However
when trying to connect with my standard connection stsrings using SSPI, that
no longer works. I get an error back saying can not create SSPI context.
I ran tests creating ODBC connections and found that if I try to connect
using the computer name and integrated security, the connection can't
complete but if I use the computer name a user name and password, then the
connection works fine. My suspicion is that I must do something on the SQL
server, but I can't figure out what. I run the server in the localhost
system account so the SSPI context is created each time the SQL server
starts and destroyed when it stops. I did some reading up on this but did
not find anything that solves my problem.
Has anyone else run up against this problem before.
Any help would be appreciated.
that's been working OK for years, Now in my testing environment ( a W2k
server and 4 computers on a small LAN all with fixed IP's) I had to change
my IP address ranges from 192.168.1.xxx to 192.168.0.xxx. That should not
affect any connections since my network worked fine after that as before. I
can ping between all I can see the folders that I want as I want to. However
when trying to connect with my standard connection stsrings using SSPI, that
no longer works. I get an error back saying can not create SSPI context.
I ran tests creating ODBC connections and found that if I try to connect
using the computer name and integrated security, the connection can't
complete but if I use the computer name a user name and password, then the
connection works fine. My suspicion is that I must do something on the SQL
server, but I can't figure out what. I run the server in the localhost
system account so the SSPI context is created each time the SQL server
starts and destroyed when it stops. I did some reading up on this but did
not find anything that solves my problem.
Has anyone else run up against this problem before.
Any help would be appreciated.