How do you create the Connection String to connect to an mdb database that is
protected with a password?
protected with a password?
U¿ytkownik "Sahil Malik said:A trick I usually use to generate connection strings is to create a *.udl
file, double click on it, and set various properties in a gui-ish mode.
Then test the connection. Close all dialogs, and open the UDL file in
notepad .. BINGO .. there's your connection string.
Sahil Malik said:A trick I usually use to generate connection strings is to create a *.udl
file, double click on it, and set various properties in a gui-ish mode. Then
test the connection. Close all dialogs, and open the UDL file in notepad ..
BINGO .. there's your connection string.
- Sahil Malik
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