Connection Problems

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Play World of Warcraft. Old system (before being stolen on 11/26/05 was a
DELL/P3/1.0GHz/256Mb/WIN2K. New is a Gateway 838GM/P4/3.0GHz/512Mb running
WIN XP Media. Having trouble keeping internet connection. Ihave been in the
game from as little as 3 minutes to as long as 1.5 hours before i loose
connection. Have granted full access with all MS, McAfee, and Norton
security/firewalls. Followed all 'suggestions' and 'solutions' from both
service provider (AOL) and Blizzard to no avail. Never had this problem with
old DELL, but this is getting old, fast. Can someone provide guidance as to
how to rectify this situation ? Am almost at wits' end.

Thank you.
Hi William C. Neitzel,

The first step to troubleshooting that issue would be to disable, or
uninstall the two (possibly conflicting) firewalls: Norton's and McAfee.

I would actually suggest uninstalling them, simply because many times
disabling or exiting a software firewall will not stop it from blocking
the game, as it only closes the user interface not the actual firewall.

Cheers, *Windows_XP_MVP_Shell/User*
Jimmy S.

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William C. Neitzel Wrote:
| Play World of Warcraft. Old system (before being stolen on 11/26/05 was a
| DELL/P3/1.0GHz/256Mb/WIN2K. New is a Gateway 838GM/P4/3.0GHz/512Mb running
| WIN XP Media. Having trouble keeping internet connection. Ihave been in the
| game from as little as 3 minutes to as long as 1.5 hours before i loose
| connection. Have granted full access with all MS, McAfee, and Norton
| security/firewalls. Followed all 'suggestions' and 'solutions' from both
| service provider (AOL) and Blizzard to no avail. Never had this problem with
| old DELL, but this is getting old, fast. Can someone provide guidance as to
| how to rectify this situation ? Am almost at wits' end.
| Thank you.