Hi People,
I have been coding in vb.net and c# for last six months, I am new to
coding and we are using 3 tier architecture. In the DAL in each and
every method I open the connection and close it in the finally block
of the try catch block, if I am not using a DataAdapter.
1. Is this correct?
2. should I be using only the dataadapter always, like for insertion
of single record, updation of single record, etc. The general practice
is to use the Dataadapter to only when a DataTable or Dataset comes
into picture.
3. Will there be any performance issues?
This question I have may be silly, but I need this. I want to have the
right code.

Thanks in advance.
I have been coding in vb.net and c# for last six months, I am new to
coding and we are using 3 tier architecture. In the DAL in each and
every method I open the connection and close it in the finally block
of the try catch block, if I am not using a DataAdapter.
1. Is this correct?
2. should I be using only the dataadapter always, like for insertion
of single record, updation of single record, etc. The general practice
is to use the Dataadapter to only when a DataTable or Dataset comes
into picture.
3. Will there be any performance issues?
This question I have may be silly, but I need this. I want to have the
right code.

Thanks in advance.