connection error, user data wrong

  • Thread starter Thread starter Patrick
  • Start date Start date


I installed the Community Starter kit earlier today and fooled around with
it. And I also reinstalled the dot net framework sdk. I already had MSDE
installed as w2000\netsdk, but have it disabled, set for manual startup. I
have sql server 2000 installed as default (local) and always on.

Now I am trying to get an aspx page to check website login and/or
registration info through SQL2k stored proceedures, and get a failed login
for "user w2000\netsdk", but my login is supposed to be integrated security,
user = "". This is a little confusing, I am not having problems with the login page, just the connection to SQL server to CHECK the saved
user names/passwords in database "trythis."

I've never seen this problem before. I uninstalled Community Starter and
deleted the w200\netsdk login on sql server, but it still tries to use it.
Here is my login string:

connData = New SqlConnection("workstation id=W2000;packet
size=4096;integrated security=SSPI;data source=W2000;" & _
"persist security info=False;initial catalog=trythis")


psully at eatel dot net
You should have a element called identity in your web.config file for
you web application. If not add it. This element should have a
atribute called impersonate which is set to true. If not add the
element . If attributes called userName and Password exist then the
web application will impersonate that specified account. Essentially
what you are doingt here is your telling ASP.Net to impersonate the
idnetity running thwe application by default that identity is the
client making the request or if you specify a username and password it
will use those credientials.
Thanks, Keenan, I'll look into that. Sounds like it might be smarter or
easier, just to rename the variables. I was wondering if that could be a
problem, but it seems ridiculous.