Connecting XP to 2003 Server via VPN



We are having a problem accessing server (Win 2003 &
2000) resources through a VPN using Windows XP. We have a
hardware firewall that also acts as a VPN server and a
NAT. When a user connects to the VPN they are able
to "see" the servers, but they receive a "resource is no
longer available" error when trying to access file
shares, etc. The XP machines work fine when they are on
the server side of the firewall, but not when they have
to come in via the VPN. The Windows 2000 workstations
work fine in either configuration, and the VPN client is
set up the same on both machines. Is this a matter of a
blocked port, or is it a security issue? And if it is how
do I fix it? The Windows 2003 server machine is the
domain controller.

Robert L [MS-MVP]

it could be name resolution issue. can you ping the server by ip? if yes,
can you ping it by name?

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Robert Lin, MS-MVP, MCSE & CNE
Networking, Internet, Routing, VPN, Anti-Virus, Tips & Troubleshooting on
This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties.


I can ping both by name and IP, and I get the same
results even if I use the server's IP address to access
the shares.

Mark Huff

I am having something of a similar issue.

I am running a RedHat9 server with mppe-mppc patched
kernel and Poptop VPN server. Users can connect to the
VPN without issue.

Users then map the network shared drive on the RH9 server
and can initially see the folders. When they close the
Explorer window of the shares and try to reopen from My
Computer and double clicking on the mapped drive, they get
the error that the drive is already in use. If they
disconnect from they drive they can then remap it. (This
is on an XP system). With a win2000 user, the Explorer
screen simply flashes closed.

I tested in house and there is no problem mapping the
drive over VPN (by-passing all firewalls) with either
windows 2000 or XP.

Ports 1723 and 47 are mapped to the RH server on the

Is there any other info I might provide you with that
might assist in determining the cause of this problem??

Drives are mapped using IP addressing, not WINS or DNS.



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