I wanted to know if I could hook up two PCs running Linux. What I want
to do is, PC-A is supposed to work as a full fledged general purpose
computer, and the other, PC-B, is supposed to work as a peripheral of
PC-A. I am thinking I will be using a USB connector to do this. First
of all, is this possible, if yes, would I have to know something about
the two computers in terms of possible compatibility issues
etc..Limitations, in terms of what purpose PC-B could serve as
peripheral of PC-A.
I look at it, in this case, as a two link daisy chain. Please let me
know what you think. Is there also some place where I could find
specific technical information about how to do this?
Appreciate all the help. Thanks.
I wanted to know if I could hook up two PCs running Linux. What I want
to do is, PC-A is supposed to work as a full fledged general purpose
computer, and the other, PC-B, is supposed to work as a peripheral of
PC-A. I am thinking I will be using a USB connector to do this. First
of all, is this possible, if yes, would I have to know something about
the two computers in terms of possible compatibility issues
etc..Limitations, in terms of what purpose PC-B could serve as
peripheral of PC-A.
I look at it, in this case, as a two link daisy chain. Please let me
know what you think. Is there also some place where I could find
specific technical information about how to do this?
Appreciate all the help. Thanks.