Hello David,
Your situation reminded me about another similar case: Under network
protocol TCP/IP, using IP address without port number (default port number
of SQL Server is 1433) cannot connect to the SQL Server on a remote
machine, using server name does not work either; under network protocol
named pipes, both using IP address without port number and using server
name in the connection string can connect the remote machine successfully.
The root cause of that case is the port number of SQL Server when
connecting under the network protocol TCP/IP. If the port has been
changed to other port numbers, we need to modify the connection string when
using IP address to connect to the SQL Server and add set the network
protocol as TCP/IP. The connection string can be "Data
Source=*.*.*.*,1500(the new port number);Network
Library=DBMSSOCN(TCP/IP)…". For detail, please see
http://www.connectionstrings.com/sql-server-2005 and
Therefore, I recommend you start from checking the TCP/IP port setting to
troubleshoot this issue. Please refer to this article to check the port
setting in the SQL Server:
If the problem is not caused by TCP/IP port settings, you can also follow
this KB article to check whether the remote SQL Server has been set
correctly to accept remote connections,
For your second question on how the native SQL Server ADO.NET connection,
ODBC ADO.NET connection and OLEDB ADO.NET connection accept the IP address,
please see the following analysis:
Native SQL Server ADO.NET Connection:
Could you please clarify what do you mean by native SQL Server ADO.NET
ODBC ADO.NET Connection:
For SQL Server:
You can use such an ODBC connection string to connect the database:
"Driver={SQL Server}; Server=***.***.***.***(IP address),****(port number);
Database=DatabaseName; Uid=***; Pwd=***".
For IBM DB2:
Here are the keywords in the connection string:
Keyword "NTL=TCPIP" for TCP/IP connection
Keyword "NA" for IP address and "NP" for network port
For detail, please see
To connect other database software via ODBC connection string, you need to
consult corresponding vendor company.
OLEDB ADO.NET Connection:
For SQL Server:
You can use such an OLEDB connection string to connect the database:
"Provider=SQLOLEDB;Data Source=***.***.***.***(IP address),****(port
number);Initial Catalog=DatabaseName;User ID=***;Password=***".
For IBM DB2:
Here are the keywords in the connection string:
Keyword "Network Transport Library=TCPIP" for TCP/IP connection
Keyword "Network Address=***.***.***.***" for IP address
For detail, please see
To connect other database software via OLEDB connection string, you need to
consult corresponding vendor company.
For the third question about other vendors' connection string, please
understand that is not supported in Microsoft Newsgroup Supporting service.
You may consult the corresponding vendor company for the answer.
If you have any other questions, please be free to let me know. Have a
nice day, David!
Lingzhi Sun (
[email protected], remove 'online.')
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