Connecting to Secure Site



My browsers, IE and Netscape, cannot access secure sites. This problem cropped up all of
a sudden, they were working fine. I contacted Cox and they spent quite a bit of time with me
going through all the configurations for IE (Privacy, Security, etc). Nothing solved the problem.
The tech said he thought it was a problem within Win XP. The browsers come up OK and
access regular sites but if I try to go to a secure site I get the error message
("can't connect, refused", etc)

If you can help I would surely be grateful. Please send your ideas to (e-mail address removed)


I've been working on the same problem for hours today. Someone please help. I'm no closer to solving it today then I was a week ago

----- wbcarey wrote: ----

My browsers, IE and Netscape, cannot access secure sites. This problem cropped up all of
a sudden, they were working fine. I contacted Cox and they spent quite a bit of time with me
going through all the configurations for IE (Privacy, Security, etc). Nothing solved the problem.
The tech said he thought it was a problem within Win XP. The browsers come up OK and
access regular sites but if I try to go to a secure site I get the error message
("can't connect, refused", etc)

If you can help I would surely be grateful. Please send your ideas to (e-mail address removed)


You should try posting your message in the Networking and
the Web forum and you will likely get a better repsonse.

-----Original Message-----
My browsers, IE and Netscape, cannot access secure
sites. This problem cropped up all of
a sudden, they were working fine. I contacted Cox and
they spent quite a bit of time with me
going through all the configurations for IE (Privacy,
Security, etc). Nothing solved the problem.
The tech said he thought it was a problem within Win
XP. The browsers come up OK and
access regular sites but if I try to go to a secure site I get the error message
("can't connect, refused", etc).

If you can help I would surely be grateful. Please send
your ideas to (e-mail address removed)

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