I USED to be able to connect with no problems (XP).. all of a
sudden, I cant. I tried to flush the dns - but an error keeps
coming up. I
[quoted text clipped - 4 lines]
Did you *mean* "168."? If you meant that you're getting an IP
address of 169.254.x.y instead of the usual 192.168., that means
that your network card isn't picking up an IP address, so your PC is
allocating it one from the 169.254... range. This would explain why
you can't connect to the Internet.
What do you mean by "the DHCP is disabled"? Where? Can you enable it?
There's a slew of things to do first - roughly in order: check
network cable properly connects PC to router, reboot PC; reboot
router; try pinging the router; check DHCP enabled on router; check
properties of network connection; disable then enable it; check for
firewall problem; is the router's address correct as your default
gateway; check computer's Event Log for indications of the cause;
uninstall NIC (network card) in Device Manager & let it be
rediscovered on restart (which might then entail reconfig of your
firewall); relocate NIC to different PCI slot (if this is a PC, not
a laptop); check for viruses & malware, etc etc -
- if you paid money to "Geek Squad", they should leave you with some
sort of resolution, surely? Hopefully they will have tried all these
things. We don't have Geek Squad here in England so I'm not sure how
capable they are - although from what I've gleaned, they don't have
a glowing reputation... If they couldn't come up with a fix, then
they should provide something concrete, eg your NIC is bust, buy a
new one; your router needs replacing, etc etc - or not charge you -
IMHO you shouldn't just let them give up! (Unless I suppose their
small print lets them off that...)
Can you pass on what they tried or had you try? Can you also post
what error messages you've had? Need more detail on your setup and
efforts so far. Did you "do" anything immediately prior to losing