Connecting to internet via RAS

  • Thread starter Thread starter Stephan Oetzel [flowOffice]
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Stephan Oetzel [flowOffice]

Hello @ll,

I've written a .NET Compact Framework application for a Windows CE 4.21
device. This application uses a webservice to communicate with the server.
The device has a GPRS modem on board and a Dial-In-Connection is defined. In
Internet Explorer this works very well, I can connect to Internet by calling
a website's url and it automatically opens up the dial-in window. How can I
connect from my application automatically to the internet?

Best reguards,
Hi Stephan,

when you call a WS in .NET CF the connection is made automaticly if possible.
So when your IE connects by itself - your app should do it also.

BUT - you have no control about hanging up (CF does not hang up!!).
So for us it works better to do it ourself by:
a.) check for a network connection - if found call the WS - and you are done ELSE
b.) pinvoke the ConMGR to connect to the internet
---or even easier - use OpenNETCF
c.) call you webservice
d.) hang up if you want

Hello Manfred,

could you just give me some code, how to connect to the internet and check
for network connection?

Best reguards,
Hello Sthephan,

here is some code to detect a network connection - it is "assembled" from some working parts of code -- but I think it should run.

It has some "informational MessageBoxes" in it.
private bool IsNetConnected() {
try {
string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
IPHostEntry ihE = Dns.GetHostByName(strHostName);
IPAddress ipFound=null;
IPAddress ipLH=IPAddress.Parse("");
foreach (IPAddress ipA in ihE.AddressList) {
if (ipA.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork && ipFound == null) { //avoid V6 adresses
ipFound = ipA; //only the first non V6 is collected - normaly a "break" would follow -- removed to get the msgboxes
//break; //we found what we were searching for

MessageBox.Show(ipA.AddressFamily.ToString() + "\n" + ipA.ToString() + "\n" + ipA.Equals(ipLH).ToString() + "\n" + (ipLH ==
ipA ? "Gleich" : "Anders"));
if(ipFound!=null && !ipFound.Equals(ipLH)) {
return(true); //found a V4 other than localhost
//here the short way (no check for V6 addresses - just check if the first address is LocalHost -- no need for the loops!!
// string strIPAdr = ihE.AddressList[0].ToString();
// return (strIPAdr != IPAddress.Parse("").ToString());
catch {
return (false);

The question for "AddressFamily" is neede on PPC 2003 - becaue you can find IP.V6 adresses there, so the first address in this case
will not be
For the connection manager - it is a little more code and interop - so I thing the best is to take a look at OpenNetCF for this.


Hello Manni,

Well, this code is OK, but unfortunately I'm not working on Pocket PC but on
Windows CE 4.20. I just need to know, how I dial a Dial-Up-Connection that
is configured in Windows CE.

Any tips?

Best reguards,

you have to use Ras API. You have Ras dll examples here:



Stephan Oetzel said:
Hello Manni,

Well, this code is OK, but unfortunately I'm not working on Pocket PC but on
Windows CE 4.20. I just need to know, how I dial a Dial-Up-Connection that
is configured in Windows CE.

Any tips?

Best reguards,

ManniAT said:
Hello Sthephan,

here is some code to detect a network connection - it is "assembled" from
some working parts of code -- but I think it should run.

It has some "informational MessageBoxes" in it.
private bool IsNetConnected() {
try {
string strHostName = Dns.GetHostName();
IPHostEntry ihE = Dns.GetHostByName(strHostName);
IPAddress ipFound=null;
IPAddress ipLH=IPAddress.Parse("");
foreach (IPAddress ipA in ihE.AddressList) {
if (ipA.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork
&& ipFound == null) { //avoid V6 adresses
ipFound = ipA; //only the first non V6 is collected - normaly a
"break" would follow -- removed to get the msgboxes
//break; //we found what we were searching for

MessageBox.Show(ipA.AddressFamily.ToString() + "\n" + ipA.ToString() +
"\n" + ipA.Equals(ipLH).ToString() + "\n" + (ipLH == ipA ? "Gleich" :
if(ipFound!=null && !ipFound.Equals(ipLH)) {
return(true); //found a V4 other than localhost
//here the short way (no check for V6 addresses - just check if the first
address is LocalHost -- no need for the loops!!
// string strIPAdr = ihE.AddressList[0].ToString();
// return (strIPAdr != IPAddress.Parse("").ToString());
catch {
return (false);

The question for "AddressFamily" is neede on PPC 2003 - becaue you can
find IP.V6 adresses there, so the first address in this case will not be
For the connection manager - it is a little more code and interop - so I
thing the best is to take a look at OpenNetCF for this.

