Windows Vista Connecting to internet via cable in Switzerland

Feb 27, 2008
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I want internet in Switzerland to email, skype phone and occasional surfing on my new Acer laptop which has basic Vista and Norton.
I have cable in the apartment and am advised by Teledis - the cable company - that I can only connect via a modem supplied by them. I have just purchased a wireless router in Switzerland which is Vista compatible and judging by the problems some of you have had connecting even in UK, it seemed a good thing to do. Is it true that I have to use the cable company modem? If so, is the wireless router I have bought surplus to requirement? Does anyone have any knowledge of Swiss internet and advise the best route to take please. I want to use my laptop outside as well as inside - will the modem they want me to use allow me to do that. I am not very technical, so please dont use jargon. Thanks to anyone who can advise me.
Some companies may require you to use their product if you are using their service.
What does the small print (terms & conditions) say about it.:thumb:
Terms and conditions say I have to use their modem, but if I have a wireless router do I need a modem? Does anyone know if I can use the existing cable but use another provider for internet who does not insist on buying or renting their modem? Does anyone have experience which provider is the most cost effective for short periods of use? Sorry so many questions. veryconfused
It depends if you have a standard wireless router then you should be able to connect up your modem to that and then be able to use wireless on the other hand if you have a modem/router then you may not be able to. It all depends on if the router is a standalone router or has its own built in modem. This is what i believe to be the case if im worng can someone else tell me that cheers Lee.