Connecting to back end



I have an Access database that is being shared among 5 people in my office
and it's awesome. We love it and would like to share it with associates in
other parts of the country. Trouble is, they can't connect to the server
here in our office. When I asked IT about it, they told me that I can't
share an access database or it will crash (anti-Access snobbery). I read
about splitting the database and I think I can do it but I have a question.
My team mates are using what they call a "Remote Desktop Server". Basically,
they click on an icon on their computer to log into a remote server. If I
put the back end onto that server, will the Front end be able to find it?
Will they have to log onto that remote server before they open their front
end? Also, can I store their front ends on that same remote server instead
of on their individual laptops? I have never used a remote desktop server
before and I don't know if each user has their own individual folders where
they can store front ends. Does anyone here know? Or is that a question for
another discussion board?


Do not try to use Access over a WAN. It just doesn't work that well and you
risk corruption.

Access back-end on a server, with teh Front-end on the remote desktop
machine is a very valid suggestion...I use that setup myself for a client

Users on the same LAN as the back-end should have the front-end on their
PCs. WAN users will each get a user profile on the remote desktop server
(aka terminal server) and should each have a copy of the front-end in their

Kevin Hill
3NF Consulting - new DB forum for Dallas/Ft. Worth area DBAs. - experts compete for points to answer your


I have chopped this from a post I responded to earlier.

I have an access database that sits on a server in an office. The client
has asked if he can use the database from home, via a broadband link.

Does anyone know if:

a) It's even possible
b) If it is, how it may be done.

My response......


BUT, not advisable directly,

2 different solutions to your problem,

1. put the front end on the server and allow the user to 'Remote Desktop'
to the server across the internet.
2. if the user has XP SP2 at home and an XP SP2 PC at work, then create a
vpn tunnel from home to the office and allow the user to take over their
office based PC whilst at home, I have set this up for several clients and
they love it, it does require leaving the office pc on any of the time they
need to get in but the advantages are this. The user is at work is going to
go home so they leave their apps running and lock the pc, they get home, vpn
in, take over the desktop and there is the desktop just as it was when they
locked it, another bonus install the print driver for the home pc on the
office pc and your default printer is the home pc whilst in the remote
desktop session.

I would not recommend running access across the internet either raw or
a vpn, access is far too chatty.

option 2 is a great solution, I have one client that it is saving him 700+
miles of driving each week.

must be XP SP2 on both pc's for it to work properly.

I have many clients running this configuration.....

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