Hi all,
I wrote a cool little database program a while back, in VB6, and im
intending to rewrite it in .net.
I am new(ish) to .net, but an old hand at VB5/6.
In VB i would access the mdb file something like this.
set db=database
set db=opendatabase("mydb.mdb")
dim rec as recordset
set rec= db.openrecordset("select name form names")
while rec.eof=false
How do i do the same in .net, it seems to want me to set up these pages ets,
but i need to create queries and joins on the fly so data can be accessed as
the user requests.
Ive looked in the help, and followed the tutorials, but i cant seem to be
able to query the db properly, or even connect to it in the way that i want.
Thanks in advance
I wrote a cool little database program a while back, in VB6, and im
intending to rewrite it in .net.
I am new(ish) to .net, but an old hand at VB5/6.
In VB i would access the mdb file something like this.
set db=database
set db=opendatabase("mydb.mdb")
dim rec as recordset
set rec= db.openrecordset("select name form names")
while rec.eof=false
How do i do the same in .net, it seems to want me to set up these pages ets,
but i need to create queries and joins on the fly so data can be accessed as
the user requests.
Ive looked in the help, and followed the tutorials, but i cant seem to be
able to query the db properly, or even connect to it in the way that i want.
Thanks in advance