connecting three switches

Jun 23, 2006
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hi, i'm trying to connect three different network. but after giving a lot ty i failed. let me explain my problem.

i have two switch S1 and S2, and one hub H1. S1 is maintaining one network N1, H1 is maintaining another network N2. S1 and H1 is connected and both the N1 and N2 is working properly and any client of them can communicate with other clients of them. now i'm making one more network N3 with S2. when i connect S1 and S2, no client from N3 is being able to communicate to any client of N1 or N2 and vice versa. if i connect a system to the cable which i'm using to connect S2, the client can communicate with N1/N2 clients very well. total distance between the networks are, S1-H1 > 70 mt. and S1-S2 > 40 mt. now the most funny part is, if i connect S1-S2 with 2/2.5 ft. cable it can communicate well, but whenever i'm using a cable more than 10 ft. the communication is failing. i've tried both normal and crossover cabling. i've tried my NIC's communication method in every possible way from 10mbps/half to auto mode. i'm running with winxp and using manual ip.

i'm rally broke at this point. please help me to come out from this problem. thank you.
i found a little solution with little problem. i connected N1 with H1 and N2 with S1 and N3 with S2. as main network is running with hub and other two switched network is connected through it, they can communicate with each other. but the problem is when i'm pinging, after a few transfer it's dropping the packets for few times and again it's transferring. what could be the problem?
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