connecting outlook to wireless broadband

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I have used outlook for years with through a dial-up. I've now got wireless broadband in my home, but can't get outlook to "talk" to I've changed the POP3 to and the SMTP to The error messages I get are: "Log onto incoming mail server (POP3): The specified serves was found but there was no response from the server. Please verify that the port and SSL information is correct {how do I do that?}. ..." A similar message for the SMTP. In the advanced settings, I have the LAN clicked (though it doesn't work under the Explorer click either)



What version of Outlook? OL2002 has a nifty test function that allows you to
test and troubleshoot your e-mail accounts.
If you are able to succesfully login that that POP3 server then the problem
is likely at their end (or you don't have a valid account on that server).
Again depending on the version of Outlook as to where you look for ports,
put usually under e-mail accounts, servers, advanced. Ports should be
Incoming 110 & Outgoing 25. Maybe you could also configure to setup
authentication to your outgoing mail server.

Glenn Summers said:
I have used outlook for years with through a dial-up. I've now
got wireless broadband in my home, but can't get outlook to "talk" to I've changed the POP3 to and the SMTP
to The error messages I get are: "Log onto
incoming mail server (POP3): The specified serves was found but there was
no response from the server. Please verify that the port and SSL
information is correct {how do I do that?}. ..." A similar message for the
SMTP. In the advanced settings, I have the LAN clicked (though it doesn't
work under the Explorer click either).
are they the server names att told you to use? click the more settings
button and look at outgoing server tab and set the authentication method.