This was my original reply:
You need to pass a command string to the modem, to get it to reply. And you
can set various types of response, at least with Hayes type modems. Look up
the manual for the modem first, to see what you need to send. Or Google for
'Hayes commands'
Sending the string is easy. Open a port to Com1 ( or wherever the modem is
connected ). Print strings to the port. Get responses back with Line
dim strResponse as string
Open "Com1,9600,n,8,1" for random as #1 'random allows both input and
Print #1,"ATI" 'ATI is a standard Hayes command to return modem information
Line Input#1,strResponse
debug.print strResponse 'just to see what the modem returned.
Close #1 'always close a port you opened
Just from memory "ATO" should put the modem online, and you get a response
to tell you whether the command succeeded, eg "No Dialtone" "Connect xxxx"
etc, depending on how you set up the responses.
Interesting you could not see it. I checked on the Google archive, and my
response was there, in fact I copied it from the archive to the text above.
The archive for this newsgroup is at:
All on one line, of course.
Adrian Jansen
J & K MicroSystems
Microcomputer solutions for industrial control