Hi all !
I´m with a problem to make a connection in my application.
I´m in VB.net, and using a sql2000 database. When I´m try
to connect to database, I can open the connection, but
can´t execute a stored procedure. My code is:
Dim objConn as New SqlConnection("Password=123;User
Id=sukist;Initial Catalog=DBMedium;Data
Dim objCmd as sqlCommand
Dim myDataReader as sqldatareader
objCmd = New sqlCommand("SP_GET_LIST")
objCmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure
myDataReader = objCmd.Execute
The error message is: Login failed for user 'sukist'. But
the error occurs in the line which execute the command.
And if a I try to connect in Query Analyzer, using the
same information of my connectionString, the connection
opens sucefully. Anybody can help me with this?
TIA, Sukist!
I´m with a problem to make a connection in my application.
I´m in VB.net, and using a sql2000 database. When I´m try
to connect to database, I can open the connection, but
can´t execute a stored procedure. My code is:
Dim objConn as New SqlConnection("Password=123;User
Id=sukist;Initial Catalog=DBMedium;Data
Dim objCmd as sqlCommand
Dim myDataReader as sqldatareader
objCmd = New sqlCommand("SP_GET_LIST")
objCmd.commandtype = commandtype.storedprocedure
myDataReader = objCmd.Execute
The error message is: Login failed for user 'sukist'. But
the error occurs in the line which execute the command.
And if a I try to connect in Query Analyzer, using the
same information of my connectionString, the connection
opens sucefully. Anybody can help me with this?
TIA, Sukist!