Connecting external USB hardware

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I'm having problems when i try to connect different things, via the USB
ports. When i connect my MP3 flashplayer (Creative Muvo) it finds it and adds
the extra harddrive, and the same happends when i connect my Maxtor external
harddrive. But when i try to connect a Seagate harddrive, a HP digital camera
(both as disc drive, and digital camera) Windows Vista tryes to find the
drivers at windows update, and then fail to find them and the thing isnt
useable... What can be the solution to this problem?
Sounds like you need updated USB drivers for your
computer/motherboard/laptop, whichever would be the case. You could also
try this update - may not help but it sure won't hurt:

Richard G. Harper [MVP Shell/User] (e-mail address removed)
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