Connectiing to Outlook

  • Thread starter Thread starter Guest
  • Start date Start date


Here what I want to do.

I want to create a basic database, where the user types in the subject in
the subject textbox and then selects a start time, end time and then a picks
a date. After that the user clicks update and then the database automatically
updates my outlook calendar with the given information. So my question is, is
it possible to have Access automaticaly update your outlook calendar with
Yes. The code below is designed to be run directly from a FORM and
obtains the appropriate values from the fields on the form.

Sub createOutlookAppointment()

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim mailbox As mapiFolder
Dim targetCalendar As mapiFolder
Dim newAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim strBodyText As String
Dim strLocation As String

If [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] =
"" Or
IsNull([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId]) =
True Then
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Accessing Outlook..."
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set nms = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mailbox = nms.Folders(1)
Set targetCalendar = mailbox.Folders("Calendar")
Set newAppt = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbAccessID", olNumber
newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbLastModified", olDateTime
newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbStatus", olText

strBodyText = ""
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Date/Time: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Status: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboStatus].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Name Sign: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtNameSign] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Passenger: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtPrimaryPassengerName] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "PAX Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Client:" &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboClient].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Contact: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameFirst] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameLast] & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "From: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboOrigination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "To: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboDestination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Fare: " &
Format([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![curFare], "Currency") &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Vehicle: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboVehicleType].Column(1) &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Party Size: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![intNumberofPassengers] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Car Seat: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboCarSeat] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Comments:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText &

strLocation = DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription",
"tblLocations", "[txtLocationName] =
strLocation = strLocation & " - "
strLocation = strLocation &
DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription", "tblLocations",
"[txtLocationName] =

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Creating new appointment..."

With newAppt
.Start = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate]
& " " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.End = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] &
" " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.Subject =
.Location = strLocation
.UserProperties(1) =
.UserProperties(2) = Now
.UserProperties(3) =
.Body = strBodyText
.BusyStatus = olBusy
.Categories = "Reservations"
.MessageClass = "IPM.Appointment.Reservations"
End With

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] = "New
appointment created"

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] =

DoCmd.Hourglass (False)

If IsNull(newAppt.EntryID) = False Then
MsgBox ("Outlook appointment created.")
MsgBox ("Unable to confirm that the Outlook appointment was
End If

Set newAppt = Nothing
Set targetCalendar = Nothing
Set mailbox = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
MsgBox ("An Outlook appointment has already been scheduled for
this reservation.")
End If

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] = ""

End Sub

Sub changeOutlookAppointment()

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim mailbox As mapiFolder
Dim targetCalendar As mapiFolder
Dim targetAppointmentGroup As Outlook.Items
Dim targetAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim i
Dim strBodyText As String
Dim flgAppointmentFound As Boolean
Dim strLocation As String

If [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] <>
"" And
IsNull([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId]) =
False Then
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Accessing Outlook..."
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set nms = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mailbox = nms.Folders(1)
Set targetCalendar = mailbox.Folders("Calendar")
Set targetAppointmentGroup =
mailbox.Folders("Calendar").Items.Restrict("[Start] > '#" & DateAdd("d",
-7, Date) & "#'")

i = 1
flgAppointmentFound = False
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Searching for appointment..."
While (i <= targetAppointmentGroup.Count)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Searching for appointment..." & Time()
If targetAppointmentGroup.Item(i).EntryID =
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] Then
Set targetAppointment = targetAppointmentGroup.Item(i)
flgAppointmentFound = True
= "Appointment found"
End If
i = i + 1

If flgAppointmentFound = False Then
MsgBox ("Unable to update Outlook appointment. The
appointment could not be found.")
Exit Sub
End If

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Preparing to update appointment..."

targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbAccessID", olNumber
targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbLastModified", olDateTime
targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbStatus", olText

strBodyText = ""
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Date/Time: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Status: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboStatus].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Name Sign: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtNameSign] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Passenger: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtPrimaryPassengerName] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "PAX Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Client:" &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboClient].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Contact: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameFirst] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameLast] & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "From: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboOrigination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "To: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboDestination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Fare: " &
Format([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![curFare], "Currency") &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Vehicle: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboVehicleType].Column(1) &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Party Size: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![intNumberofPassengers] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Car Seat: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboCarSeat] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Comments:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText &

strLocation = DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription",
"tblLocations", "[txtLocationName] =
strLocation = strLocation & " - "
strLocation = strLocation &
DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription", "tblLocations",
"[txtLocationName] =

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Updating appointment..."

With targetAppointment
.Start = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate]
& " " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.End = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] &
" " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.Subject =
.Location = strLocation
.UserProperties(1) =
.UserProperties(2) = Now
.UserProperties(3) =
.Body = strBodyText
.BusyStatus = olBusy
.Categories = "Reservations"
End With

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Appointment updated"
DoCmd.Hourglass (False)

MsgBox ("Outlook appointment updated.")

Set targetAppointment = Nothing
Set targetAppointmentGroup = Nothing
Set targetCalendar = Nothing
Set mailbox = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
MsgBox ("An Outlook appointment has not been scheduled for this
End If

End Sub
David Thanks - that was a little feature "nice to have" I was planning to add
into my application when I got the time to get around to it. You have saved
me hours - gotta love these sites.

David C. Holley said:
Yes. The code below is designed to be run directly from a FORM and
obtains the appropriate values from the fields on the form.

Sub createOutlookAppointment()

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim mailbox As mapiFolder
Dim targetCalendar As mapiFolder
Dim newAppt As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim strBodyText As String
Dim strLocation As String

If [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] =
"" Or
IsNull([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId]) =
True Then
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Accessing Outlook..."
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set nms = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mailbox = nms.Folders(1)
Set targetCalendar = mailbox.Folders("Calendar")
Set newAppt = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)

newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbAccessID", olNumber
newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbLastModified", olDateTime
newAppt.UserProperties.Add "dbStatus", olText

strBodyText = ""
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Date/Time: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Status: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboStatus].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Name Sign: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtNameSign] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Passenger: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtPrimaryPassengerName] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "PAX Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Client:" &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboClient].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Contact: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameFirst] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameLast] & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "From: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboOrigination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "To: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboDestination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Fare: " &
Format([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![curFare], "Currency") &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Vehicle: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboVehicleType].Column(1) &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Party Size: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![intNumberofPassengers] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Car Seat: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboCarSeat] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Comments:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText &

strLocation = DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription",
"tblLocations", "[txtLocationName] =
strLocation = strLocation & " - "
strLocation = strLocation &
DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription", "tblLocations",
"[txtLocationName] =

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Creating new appointment..."

With newAppt
.Start = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate]
& " " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.End = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] &
" " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.Subject =
.Location = strLocation
.UserProperties(1) =
.UserProperties(2) = Now
.UserProperties(3) =
.Body = strBodyText
.BusyStatus = olBusy
.Categories = "Reservations"
.MessageClass = "IPM.Appointment.Reservations"
End With

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] = "New
appointment created"

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] =

DoCmd.Hourglass (False)

If IsNull(newAppt.EntryID) = False Then
MsgBox ("Outlook appointment created.")
MsgBox ("Unable to confirm that the Outlook appointment was
End If

Set newAppt = Nothing
Set targetCalendar = Nothing
Set mailbox = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
MsgBox ("An Outlook appointment has already been scheduled for
this reservation.")
End If

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] = ""

End Sub

Sub changeOutlookAppointment()

Dim objOutlook As Outlook.Application
Dim nms As Outlook.NameSpace
Dim mailbox As mapiFolder
Dim targetCalendar As mapiFolder
Dim targetAppointmentGroup As Outlook.Items
Dim targetAppointment As Outlook.AppointmentItem
Dim i
Dim strBodyText As String
Dim flgAppointmentFound As Boolean
Dim strLocation As String

If [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] <>
"" And
IsNull([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId]) =
False Then
DoCmd.Hourglass (True)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Accessing Outlook..."
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.application")
Set nms = objOutlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Set mailbox = nms.Folders(1)
Set targetCalendar = mailbox.Folders("Calendar")
Set targetAppointmentGroup =
mailbox.Folders("Calendar").Items.Restrict("[Start] > '#" & DateAdd("d",
-7, Date) & "#'")

i = 1
flgAppointmentFound = False
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Searching for appointment..."
While (i <= targetAppointmentGroup.Count)
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Searching for appointment..." & Time()
If targetAppointmentGroup.Item(i).EntryID =
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtOutlookEntryId] Then
Set targetAppointment = targetAppointmentGroup.Item(i)
flgAppointmentFound = True
= "Appointment found"
End If
i = i + 1

If flgAppointmentFound = False Then
MsgBox ("Unable to update Outlook appointment. The
appointment could not be found.")
Exit Sub
End If

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Preparing to update appointment..."

targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbAccessID", olNumber
targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbLastModified", olDateTime
targetAppointment.UserProperties.Add "dbStatus", olText

strBodyText = ""
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Date/Time: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Status: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboStatus].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Name Sign: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtNameSign] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Passenger: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtPrimaryPassengerName] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "PAX Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Client:" &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboClient].Column(1) & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Contact: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameFirst] & " " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtContactNameLast] & Chr(13)
& Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Phone: " &
"(000) 000-0000") & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "From: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboOrigination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "To: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboDestination] & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Fare: " &
Format([Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![curFare], "Currency") &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Vehicle: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboVehicleType].Column(1) &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Party Size: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![intNumberofPassengers] &
Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Car Seat: " &
[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![cboCarSeat] & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText & "--- --- --- --- ---" & Chr(13) &
strBodyText = strBodyText & "Comments:" & Chr(13) & Chr(10)
strBodyText = strBodyText &

strLocation = DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription",
"tblLocations", "[txtLocationName] =
strLocation = strLocation & " - "
strLocation = strLocation &
DLookup("txtLocationShortDescription", "tblLocations",
"[txtLocationName] =

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Updating appointment..."

With targetAppointment
.Start = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate]
& " " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.End = [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteDate] &
" " & [Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![dteTimeScheduled]
.Subject =
.Location = strLocation
.UserProperties(1) =
.UserProperties(2) = Now
.UserProperties(3) =
.Body = strBodyText
.BusyStatus = olBusy
.Categories = "Reservations"
End With

[Forms]![frmReservationsEntryIndividual]![txtAdvisory] =
"Appointment updated"
DoCmd.Hourglass (False)

MsgBox ("Outlook appointment updated.")

Set targetAppointment = Nothing
Set targetAppointmentGroup = Nothing
Set targetCalendar = Nothing
Set mailbox = Nothing
Set nms = Nothing
Set objOutlook = Nothing
MsgBox ("An Outlook appointment has not been scheduled for this
End If

End Sub
