Connect to Windows 98


Ron Sparks

Have two computers, one running Windows XP Pro, the other Windows 98 first
edition. The XP computer is connecting to the Internet through a cable
modem. It has another network card that we are using for the local LAN.
The two computers are connected with a crossover cable. I have TCP/IP
protocol configured on both computers 192.168.0.x, The XP
computer can see the Win 98 computer. but cannot connect to it, the error
message has something to do with premissions. The Windows 98 machine cannot
find the Windows XP computer. Both computers are running Zone Alarm. I set
up networks all the time, but this is a very interesting problem. Does
anyone know what the problem is and how to solve it?

Thank you for your help in advance!

Candace Sparks

Bruce Chambers

Greetings --

On the WinXP PC, create local user account(s), with non-blank
password(s), that have the desired access privileges to the desired
shares. Log on to the other PCs using those account(s), and you will
be able to access the designated shares, provided your network is
configured properly.

Usually, WinXP's Networking Wizard makes it simple and painless --
almost entirely automatic, in fact. There's a lot of useful,
easy-to-follow information in WinXP's Help & Support files, and here:

Home Networking

Networking Information

PracticallyNetworked Home

Steve Winograd's Networking FAQ

Bruce Chambers

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