connect to a share Help!!!!


Candace Sparks

We have a domain controller at our office. Server is Windows 2003 SBS and
workstations are XP SP2. One of the computers on the network is trying to
connect to a share on another computer, and is getting this message:

"not enough server storage available to process this command"

We are running Trend Micro Client/Server for antivirus, we have checked
pagedpool size and irpstack size in the registry. We have increased the
value of the irpstacksize on both computers, paged pool size is 0 on both
computers. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It is very
important that we can get this to work!!

Thank you for your help in advance!!

Candace Sparks

Pegasus \(MVP\)

Candace Sparks said:
We have a domain controller at our office. Server is Windows 2003 SBS and
workstations are XP SP2. One of the computers on the network is trying to
connect to a share on another computer, and is getting this message:

"not enough server storage available to process this command"

We are running Trend Micro Client/Server for antivirus, we have checked
pagedpool size and irpstack size in the registry. We have increased the
value of the irpstacksize on both computers, paged pool size is 0 on both
computers. Does anyone know how to solve this problem? It is very
important that we can get this to work!!

Thank you for your help in advance!!

Candace Sparks

This is usually resolved by applying the latest service pack
It is sometimes caused by NAV or IBM AV:;en-us;177078

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