Thanks to all that replied to my post!!
I was looking to make F2 field a required field, i.e <red>
If E2 = "yes" then make F2 a required field.
I am going to email this spreadsheet to users, if the user select "yes
to question asked in E column, I would like them to provide detaile
information in column F.
Does that make sense?
Thank you again for your help! this forum rocks
I was looking to make F2 field a required field, i.e <red>
If E2 = "yes" then make F2 a required field.
I am going to email this spreadsheet to users, if the user select "yes
to question asked in E column, I would like them to provide detaile
information in column F.
Does that make sense?
Thank you again for your help! this forum rocks