Confused with security set up

  • Thread starter Thread starter Yappy
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I have a database that I want to set up security on as follows:
Group 1 = Admins will have full access with the ability to make changes, etc.
Group 2 = Users who will have read only access to all objects in the database

I want to assign passwords to each group and just give out the passwords to
the people assigned to their respective group. I do not want to assign/list
each individual to a group in my database if there is a way to avoid it.

Is there a way to do this and if so, please point me in the right direction
for step-by-step instructions.

Thank you!
What version of access are you working with?

If it is 2003 or prior then you can use the USER-LEVEL SECURITY feature to
set everything up in a few minutes.

However, it is 2007 or 2010 then you're out of luck. MS in their infinite
wisdom removed this feature so you'd have to create your own security
measure, login form.... Not hard, but still not for the faint of heart to do
properly. Search a little on Google and you can find examples to get you off
to a good start.
Hope this helps,

Daniel Pineault
For Access Tips and Examples:
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I am using 2003. I have searched on Google and am not understanding the
instructions that I found. I actually found two different sites that gave me
step by step instructions showing how to create groups and add users. I just
want the two users groups with different passwords for each to simplify the
process for everyone.

I will play with it more but would appreciate some help to get me going in
the right direction.

Thanks for you reply.
It is impossible to secure the contents of an Access accdb or accde file
against a user that can open it. It is trivial to turn the use of the
bypass key back on and make the ribbon and navigation pane completely
visible giving full read/write access to all tables, macros and queries.