I am confused
I got this code from
But is (e-mail address removed) the e mail address that the mail will go to and if
it is is it not very easy for a spider to find this??
What is the point is scripting the address lower down it is it shown clearly
higher up.
V strange - I am almost certainly misunderstanding this script
Function mailMe(sAddress, sCaption, sTitle)
'=mailMe("(e-mail address removed)","Display","Title")
Dim sBuild, sSplit, sSplit2, sMailMe
sSplit = Split(sAddress, "@", 2)
If InStr(1, sSplit(1), "?", 1) > 0 Then
sSplit2 = Split(sSplit(1), "?", 2)
sMailMe = "mailMe('" _
& Server.URLEncode( sSplit2(0) ) & "?" _
& Replace( sSplit2(1), "'", "\'") & "','" _
& Server.URLEncode( Replace( sSplit(0), ".", "#") ) _
& "')"
sMailMe = "mailMe('" _
& Server.URLEncode( sSplit(1) ) _
& "','" _
& Server.URLEncode( Replace( sSplit(0), ".", "#") ) _
& "')"
End If
sBuild = "onmouseover=""javascript:this.href=" _
& sMailMe & ";"" " _
& "onfocus=""javascript:this.href=" _
& sMailMe & ";"""
sBuild = "<a href=""/contact/"" " _
& sBuild _
& " title=""" & sTitle & """>"
If sCaption = "" Then
sBuild = sBuild & sSplit(0)
sBuild = sBuild & sCaption
End If
mailMe = sBuild & "</a>"
End Function
I am confused
I got this code from
But is (e-mail address removed) the e mail address that the mail will go to and if
it is is it not very easy for a spider to find this??
What is the point is scripting the address lower down it is it shown clearly
higher up.
V strange - I am almost certainly misunderstanding this script
Function mailMe(sAddress, sCaption, sTitle)
'=mailMe("(e-mail address removed)","Display","Title")
Dim sBuild, sSplit, sSplit2, sMailMe
sSplit = Split(sAddress, "@", 2)
If InStr(1, sSplit(1), "?", 1) > 0 Then
sSplit2 = Split(sSplit(1), "?", 2)
sMailMe = "mailMe('" _
& Server.URLEncode( sSplit2(0) ) & "?" _
& Replace( sSplit2(1), "'", "\'") & "','" _
& Server.URLEncode( Replace( sSplit(0), ".", "#") ) _
& "')"
sMailMe = "mailMe('" _
& Server.URLEncode( sSplit(1) ) _
& "','" _
& Server.URLEncode( Replace( sSplit(0), ".", "#") ) _
& "')"
End If
sBuild = "onmouseover=""javascript:this.href=" _
& sMailMe & ";"" " _
& "onfocus=""javascript:this.href=" _
& sMailMe & ";"""
sBuild = "<a href=""/contact/"" " _
& sBuild _
& " title=""" & sTitle & """>"
If sCaption = "" Then
sBuild = sBuild & sSplit(0)
sBuild = sBuild & sCaption
End If
mailMe = sBuild & "</a>"
End Function