Lars Brownies
In a module I have a procedure called 'missingdata() that checks if certain
form fields are filled. If not, the user is asked to first enter the fields.
Missingdata() returns true if data is missing. If the fields áre filled the
current record is being saved by:
if . dirty then .dirty = false.
I call this procedure every time I need to make that the record is complete
and saved, for instance for composing an email which uses the field values.
If missingsdata() returns true I quite the calling procedure.
Now in the form's beforeupdate I also call missingdata(), since if a user
moves to another record I need to make sure the required fields are filled.
Since the .dirty part of missingdata() triggers the form's beforeupdate, I'm
in a loop, because the beforeupdate triggers missingdata() again.
Can someone advise me on how to handle this issue?
form fields are filled. If not, the user is asked to first enter the fields.
Missingdata() returns true if data is missing. If the fields áre filled the
current record is being saved by:
if . dirty then .dirty = false.
I call this procedure every time I need to make that the record is complete
and saved, for instance for composing an email which uses the field values.
If missingsdata() returns true I quite the calling procedure.
Now in the form's beforeupdate I also call missingdata(), since if a user
moves to another record I need to make sure the required fields are filled.
Since the .dirty part of missingdata() triggers the form's beforeupdate, I'm
in a loop, because the beforeupdate triggers missingdata() again.
Can someone advise me on how to handle this issue?