we are getting sporadic reboots on our W2000 servers in 3 of our corporate
There is suspicion that our vb frontend / Jet35 backend apps may be the
We receive server error 2022 ..which relate to 'unable to find a free
We have several W2000 clients, but the majority of clients are still WinNT.
Each of these 1000 PC has a mixture of Jet35 dll's and some have
MSJet40.dll installed as well.
Some have MDAC2.5 ..others 2.6 ..and others 2.7.
Could this mixture of environments lead to excessive or conflicting locking
of databases..which would lead to a REBOOT of the Win2000 Server ???
If so ..the a couple of questions....
1. We have 4000 mdb's in jet3.5 (ie..Access97) and would like to avoid
moving them to Jet4.0 ..since we are soon going to SYBASE. Can we
elegantly UNINSTALL MSJet40.dll on the 40 or so workstations which currently
have it installed in order to get a 'pure' 3.5 environment (assuming that
would be beneficial).
2. Should we standardize on a certain version of MDAC...and if so...what
version should that be ...assuming we standardize on JET35 mdbs for the next
many thanks for any answers...
There is suspicion that our vb frontend / Jet35 backend apps may be the
We receive server error 2022 ..which relate to 'unable to find a free
We have several W2000 clients, but the majority of clients are still WinNT.
Each of these 1000 PC has a mixture of Jet35 dll's and some have
MSJet40.dll installed as well.
Some have MDAC2.5 ..others 2.6 ..and others 2.7.
Could this mixture of environments lead to excessive or conflicting locking
of databases..which would lead to a REBOOT of the Win2000 Server ???
If so ..the a couple of questions....
1. We have 4000 mdb's in jet3.5 (ie..Access97) and would like to avoid
moving them to Jet4.0 ..since we are soon going to SYBASE. Can we
elegantly UNINSTALL MSJet40.dll on the 40 or so workstations which currently
have it installed in order to get a 'pure' 3.5 environment (assuming that
would be beneficial).
2. Should we standardize on a certain version of MDAC...and if so...what
version should that be ...assuming we standardize on JET35 mdbs for the next
many thanks for any answers...