Conflict with programs & Notices

  • Thread starter Thread starter Scott
  • Start date Start date


I have two problems. One, I have several programs
(largely games) that Antispyware doesn't like. It
removes files from them, then the programs don't run. If
I reinstall them, it wants to block them. These are
programs by legitimate companies (bought them in
stores). One was shell.dll which caused several programs
to crash.
Two. When a threat is blocked, I am notified no less
than 7-8 times about the same one. Is this really
necessary? It even interrupts DVDs and games for some
time after I've had it block something.
Hello Scott,

strange shell.dll is a part of MS XP, is also on mine PC and never
blockt by MSAS!
Ok if you want to play a game, turn of MSAS and put it back on after it.
Hope that the Beta 2 give no problems with it!

Regards >*< TOM >*<