Conflict with AOL software? Help!



I run XP SP2 and have used AOL 9 for ages. The other day I went to open AOL
and it re-sized my graphics down to 8 bit, opened the program but didn't show
anything but a blank white page under the "File.. edit....." Toolbar. I can
log on to the net by imagining that the sign on screen is there, typing in my
password and hitting enter, and then using IE as my browser, but I can't
access any of the AOL features ( Favourite sites, past emails etc..). The
screen just stays white. I have un-installed and re installed the software 5
times now using 2 different dscs and it keeps doing the same thing. I have
defragged, checked the registry, run the latest spyware and virus scans and
nothing. I have had lengthy discussion with AOL who have tried everything and
say there must be a problem with my PC. Problem is the PC runs just fine
until I open up AOL and everything gets re-sized. Can anyone is
driving me mad. Thanks in advance.

Sigmundur Jonsson

dudgeman said:
I run XP SP2 and have used AOL 9 for ages. The other day I went to open AOL
and it re-sized my graphics down to 8 bit, opened the program but didn't show
anything but a blank white page under the "File.. edit....." Toolbar. I can
log on to the net by imagining that the sign on screen is there, typing in my
password and hitting enter, and then using IE as my browser, but I can't
access any of the AOL features ( Favourite sites, past emails etc..). The
screen just stays white. I have un-installed and re installed the software 5
times now using 2 different dscs and it keeps doing the same thing. I have
defragged, checked the registry, run the latest spyware and virus scans and
nothing. I have had lengthy discussion with AOL who have tried everything and
say there must be a problem with my PC. Problem is the PC runs just fine
until I open up AOL and everything gets re-sized. Can anyone is
driving me mad. Thanks in advance.

Get rid of AOL :) worst ISP EVER!
(just my opinion ;) )
but this problem is rather strange.
I've been on microsoft.public.windowsxp.general for only one hour and
I've seen a lot of mails about resizing problems :/
But it's really bad that I don't know ANY solution for that kinda
problem. I recommend that you should stop using AOL if you can't fix
this and this continues, and specially if AOL don't know how to fix this!


Sigmundur said:
Get rid of AOL :) worst ISP EVER!
(just my opinion ;) )

You apparently haven't met Telefonica, affectionately known as
"Timofonica". "Timo" is Spanish for "scam". That said, at least
Timofonica doesn't take over your computer like AOL does.



Getting rid of AOL is one way. However, They run a personal filing cabinet
that stores all your emails on your PC for you. Unfortunately I can not
access them at the moment as you need the AOL software and I need to retrieve
them, hence the post.
Any suggestions would be great.


dudgeman said:
Getting rid of AOL is one way. However, They run a personal filing cabinet
that stores all your emails on your PC for you. Unfortunately I can not
access them at the moment as you need the AOL software and I need to retrieve
them, hence the post.
Any suggestions would be great.

I have a feeling you're SOL. Now you know that back up is a computer
user's best friend.


Bruce Chambers

dudgeman said:
I run XP SP2 and have used AOL 9 for ages. The other day I went to open AOL
and it re-sized my graphics down to 8 bit, opened the program but didn't show
anything but a blank white page under the "File.. edit....." Toolbar. I can
log on to the net by imagining that the sign on screen is there, typing in my
password and hitting enter, and then using IE as my browser, but I can't
access any of the AOL features ( Favourite sites, past emails etc..). The
screen just stays white. I have un-installed and re installed the software 5
times now using 2 different dscs and it keeps doing the same thing. I have
defragged, checked the registry, run the latest spyware and virus scans and
nothing. I have had lengthy discussion with AOL who have tried everything and
say there must be a problem with my PC. Problem is the PC runs just fine
until I open up AOL and everything gets re-sized. Can anyone is
driving me mad. Thanks in advance.

I'm afraid you'll need to contact AOL's tech support for resolution
of problems with (or caused by) their product; Microsoft has no
control over AOL's product quality.

Troubleshooting America Online in Windows XP;EN-US;Q306478


Bruce Chambers

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They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. -Benjamin Franklin

Rhonda Lea Kirk

dudgeman said:
Getting rid of AOL is one way. However, They run a personal filing
cabinet that stores all your emails on your PC for you. Unfortunately
I can not access them at the moment as you need the AOL software and
I need to retrieve them, hence the post.
Any suggestions would be great.

The following is a little convoluted, but it should save the emails.

You need to locate the filing cabinet file folder(s) and save files to a
floppy. After that you can do one of two things:

a) install AOL on another computer, set your account up again, and copy
those files back into the directory they came out of (pasting over the
new, empty files),


b) if you have a friend with an aol account, you can ask him or her to
set up an additional screen name. You will then need to rename the files
you copied to that screenname (don't change the extension) and put them
into the correct folder. When you open up the filing cabinet under that
screenname, your emails will be there, and you can then save them
individually as text documents.

The only problem is finding the files...I only remember doing this on a
Mac, and it's been a long time so my memory is sketchy. The files I
think you need are in Documents and Settings\All Users\Application
Data\AOL\C_America Online 9.0\organize. The file extensions are <your
screenname>.abi, <your screenname>.aby, <your screenname>.ARL and <your
screenname>.BAG and <your screenname>.AUT and <your screenname> with no

It might be easier to just search your C drive for your screenname and
copy all of them, unless AOL can tell you for sure just which files you

Good luck.

Rhonda Lea Kirk

Insisting on perfect safety is for people
without the balls to live in the real world.
Mary Shafer Iliff


dudgeman said:
I run XP SP2 and have used AOL 9 for ages. The other day I went to open AOL
and it re-sized my graphics down to 8 bit, opened the program but didn't
anything but a blank white page under the "File.. edit....." Toolbar. I
log on to the net by imagining that the sign on screen is there, typing in
password and hitting enter, and then using IE as my browser, but I can't
access any of the AOL features ( Favourite sites, past emails etc..). The
screen just stays white. I have un-installed and re installed the software
times now using 2 different dscs and it keeps doing the same thing. I have
defragged, checked the registry, run the latest spyware and virus scans
nothing. I have had lengthy discussion with AOL who have tried everything
say there must be a problem with my PC. Problem is the PC runs just fine
until I open up AOL and everything gets re-sized. Can anyone
driving me mad. Thanks in advance.

AOL is the single most horrific piece of malware ever devised by man! Get
rid of AOL immediately. You can never know the joy of the internet, or
having a *real* ISP, until you get rid of AOL.


Rhonda Lea Kirk

NoNoBadDog! said:
AOL is the single most horrific piece of malware ever devised by man!
Get rid of AOL immediately. You can never know the joy of the
internet, or having a *real* ISP, until you get rid of AOL.

Y'know, it's sad. Back before Steve Case got too big for his britches,
America Online was a nice little service for Apple-type folks. It was a
tiny little community with some interesting characters, including Tom
Clancy, and we all had a lot of fun. (That was, of course, before the
Neverending September and the ruin of usenet.)

Now it's just a blight on the 'net.


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