Confirmation Message Box (return Value from Javascript to ASP.NET program ). Please help !!!



Hi all,

I just have a question about using confirmation message box in ASP.NET
program. It's an emergency !!!

In my program, I have an ASP button runat='server' that calls a Sub
Function when users click this button. In this Sub Function, I have some

If Cond_A Then
Display Confirmation box which has Yes and No buttton (Call
Javascript to display confirmation message box)
If User Click Yes from confirmation box Then
End If
End If

My problem is I cound't get the return value when user click YES or NO from
Javascript and let VB program understand this value to execute the next
lines. Could you give me your advises.

Thanks in advance.



There is no direct communication between client script and server
script. You cannot directly understand the return value of javascript
messagbox .

If you need this, display messagebox through javascript and read the
return values in javascript. Based on the return values raise
appropraite event on the server.



Here is an code sample I used to pass back javascript value from HTML
to the sever and vice versa.

This code is in HTML part of the .aspx page.
<input id="JSApprResp" type="hidden" name="JSApprResp">

function confApprove()
resp = window.confirm ('Are you sure, you want to Approve this
document.Form2['JSApprResp'].value = resp;

I had a button defined on the aspx page as:

<asp:button id="btnApprove" onclick="doApproveIt" runat="server"
Width="152px" Height="50px"
Font-Size="Large" ForeColor="#C00000" Font-Bold="True"

This is the code-behind page coding
on Page_Load method, link your javascript method to the button.

btnApprove.Attributes("OnClick") =

Create this user defined method in code-behind page

Sub doApproveIt(ByVal Source As Object, ByVal E As EventArgs) ' this
executes if value is TRUE , user confirms Approve

' JSApprResp is a HIDDEN field on this aspx HTML page.

' A javascript function confApprove() is called from HTML for
the button btnApprove
' to popup the message, and the script will return the value
' true or false. confApprove() method is registered on
' pageload event... btnApprove.Attributes("OnClick") =

Dim usrresp As Boolean = Request.Form("JSApprResp").ToString
If usrresp = True Then
createApproval("1") ' Approve was selected
createDisApproval("2") ' Disapproval was selected
End If

End Sub

For me this works. Hope you can utilize it. Thanks.


Your code works fine. But my problem is I only have one button in my page
that runs VB code to check some conditions . One of this condition calls the
confirmation message box. Like that, I cannot do
btnApprove.Attributes.Add("OnClick") = "javascript:confApprove();" because
I must need another button control to receive this attribute.

Like Kris said "There is no direct communication between client script
and server script. You cannot directly understand the return value of
message box ." I'm in server script and the code is based on one
condition to raise Javascript (confirmation message box), and receives the
return value from Client side to let server side understand and perform the
next lines in VB code. That's impossible. ASP.NET cannot hadle it . Is that
right ?

Thanks anyway.


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