


Last night my boyfriend tried installing a game onto my PC. For a while the
game worked fine but then the game exited and a message appeared saying the
configuration had changed so I clicked ok. Then the screen changed and my
desktop icons became smaller but the message appeared again. When I clicked
ok again the screen appeared to change back to normal. I tried to uninstall
the game so I could try and reinstall it again but it kept saying that I had
to install it through the control panel (it auto-started the 1st time). I
installed another game with no problems but this one will not install. Any
help would be appreciated.


Looks like it may have changed the display resolution, right click on
desktop and go to settings,

Some games do this, as they need a different resolution or screen size
to work properly, they should change back upon exit, but I would guess
older games may work differently with XP, as XP would detect this and
adjust things to suit upon exit, a game written with XP in mind would
take this into account I guess.

what game is it, have you checked the game makers web site for
information and issues, read the read me file. check for patches, and
other information, have you got patches for XP to install.

lastly after looking for issues on the web site, see if you can google
for issues, by doing game name + issues in google, it may find a cached
message relating to the problem from one of the many forums on the net.



The game is Football Manager 2006. I went onto the website and did what it
said to do and it owrked ok until today when I got the messages again. It
seems if I come online to check emails etc then my boyfriend tries to load up
the game this message appears but if he plays the game and then I log on when
he's finished it works ok. Could there be some sort of link

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