Configuring the reply address used by Outlook?



I use a spam-filtering service that collects three of my
email accounts onto its server, from which Outlook
downloads email to my PC.

The messages in Outlook retain the "To" address they were
originally sent to (one of my three email addresses).
But, because they're now being downloaded from a single
account, when I reply to a message addressed
to "(e-mail address removed)" or "(e-mail address removed)", Outlook sends
the reply from the account "(e-mail address removed)", which is the
account I used to set up the spam-filter service.

In other words, Outlook isn't replying using the account
the message was sent TO, but is using the account address
the email was downloaded from.

Is there a way to configure Outlook to reply using the
address a message was sent to? I'm currently using
Outlook 2002, but have 2003 on the way.

I hope this makes sense. Thanks for any help.


Try creating all your accounts in Outlook, but uncheck the box that says to
use that account when receiving messages in the Properties of each
account... the Send button should have a down arrow to its right, allowing
you to choose which account you can send it through.

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