Configuring a VPN to use EAP

  • Thread starter Thread starter Ola
  • Start date Start date


Hello again,

I was wondering about KB article 259880 that guides one
through implementing the EAP on VPN. When I installed the
VPN or RRAS I found that I skipped the phonebook entry
page and did not have to do anything with phone book. Is
it then okay to ignore the first two parts of the article
(Creating a PhoneBook Entry and Configuring a Phonebook
Entry) and just move intoServer Configuration and then
Configure RRAS to accept EAP authentication?

If that is the case, how do the clients and server work
together for secured connection, or do I need to do the
phonebook entries on the client side?

Thanks again

Yes you need the phone book entry on the client side. The creation of phone
book on the client is nothing but creating a connectiod with all the
necessary settings to use EAP as authentication mechanism.

You set the phone book entry on the client after setting up the VPN Server.

Once the client and the server are set up for EAP, they can negotiate the
auth methods and use EAP.
For configuring EAP at server side, you can skip creation of phonebook and
configuring phonebook sections.
For the clients who ever wants to connect to the server needs to configure
EAP connectiod using the above section.

You may want to create a profile using CMAK (connection manager admin kit)
for easy deployment. For information on how to create profiles using CMAK,
go through the section "creating a VPN connectiod" at