
  • Thread starter Thread starter Arnold
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My internet activity goes from 15 packets to 200 000
packets in a couple of minutes. It seems as though
something else is using my internet. I am just wondering
if there is any way to configure my internet settings to
stop my activity from going all the way to 200 000 and
also if there is a program that would limit internet use
to selected programs only. I hope that this is not thet
work of any virus or worm on my computer.

Thanks ! =)
What you describe could certainly be an indication of an virus/worm/trojan activity.
The command netstat -an will show your current connections and TCPView is a free
utility to show port use in GUI and associated processes. The program you want is a
personal firewall. They can manage outbound traffic to allow only applications you
authorize. Zone Alarm is a good personal firewall for novice users and can be found
in the link below for free download.

Internet Explorer settings can be configured not to control network traffic but to
reduce your risk of being compromised. See the link below on recommended security
settings for IE. Also read the section on how to remove parasites from your computer.

Read up on minimum must do security practices to protect your computer while on the
internet from Microsoft that include using a firewall, antivirus software, and
keeping current with critical updates. The last links is to available free antivirus
programs and removal tools. Whatever program you use be sure that you update it's
virus definitions before you scan. --- Steve -- free online scan
Alright thanks. I have one more question though =\. One
time i downloaded and installed a firewall or anti-virus
on my computer (cant remember) and it crashed down. I
asked the repairman why it happened and he said we weren't
supposed to have and use 2 firewalls and/or 2 anti-viruses.

I already have a firewall set up ( the one found in my
network connections)and would installing another firewall
destroy my files or something? I wouldn't want all my
files to go away again and im just wondering if installing
it would cause a problem.

Thanks again!!
-----Original Message-----
What you describe could certainly be an indication of an virus/worm/trojan activity.
The command netstat -an will show your current
connections and TCPView is a free
Conflicts can arise among software installations. I recommend that a user have no
more than one personal firewall installed on a computer. Not so much because of a
resulting possible crash but because it would be more difficult to configure and a
misconfigured firewall can be worse than no firewall having you believe you are
protected when you are not. The only good built in firewall would be the ICF firewall
in XP . If you are using that, it is a good firewall with the limitation being that
it can not manage outbound access. If you are talking about tcp/ip filtering , then I
think you should install a software firewall. If you are using XP ICF firewall and
want to use a software firewall for controlling outbound access also, I would disable
the ICF firewall and then install the software firewall while disconnected from the

I don't see a problem try two anti virus programs when you feel that their may be an
infection and your primary program did not detect anything. However for an ongoing
basis I would only have one program configured to "Auto Protect" and scan emails and
other files. You could uninstall the secondary program after being done with it.
There are also tools that strictly scan your computer for
viruses/worms/trojans/spyware that are not active until you initiate them which could
be left installed with no problem and used when necessary being sure to update
definition files before using. Sysclean from Trend Micro, available at the links
below, is an example of such a program. If you use additional virus scanning
programs be sure to disable your current primary program while doing the scan as it
may think that it is a malicious program. You should also always shut down your
personal firewall [after disconnecting from the internet] and antivirus program when
installing any software. --- Steve
You really need to get your anti-virus working and updated so that it can
identify and remove whatever it might be on your computer, if anything.
That's the best way to find and remove viruses. is free

If you wish to monitor and block what you want to block [outbound
connections and connections from certain applications], you should disable
the built in ICF firewall and install a free firewall like, or Any one of these should tell you what
file is starting these connections.

However, if this is a virus, anti-virus plus the built in ICF firewall
should be sufficient to keep you secure enough.
Thanks. I've updated my anti-virus
and i am currently downloading the zone-alarm firewall. I
hope i can find this problem because my internet has been
greatly degraded. Im paying high-speed for a low speed
internet =P. Thanks again and i hope i find this problem.
-----Original Message-----
Conflicts can arise among software installations. I recommend that a user have no
more than one personal firewall installed on a computer. Not so much because of a
resulting possible crash but because it would be more difficult to configure and a
misconfigured firewall can be worse than no firewall having you believe you are
protected when you are not. The only good built in
firewall would be the ICF firewall
in XP . If you are using that, it is a good firewall with the limitation being that
it can not manage outbound access. If you are talking
about tcp/ip filtering , then I
think you should install a software firewall. If you are using XP ICF firewall and
want to use a software firewall for controlling outbound access also, I would disable
the ICF firewall and then install the software firewall while disconnected from the

I don't see a problem try two anti virus programs when you feel that their may be an
infection and your primary program did not detect
anything. However for an ongoing
basis I would only have one program configured to "Auto Protect" and scan emails and
other files. You could uninstall the secondary program after being done with it.
There are also tools that strictly scan your computer for
viruses/worms/trojans/spyware that are not active until you initiate them which could
be left installed with no problem and used when necessary being sure to update
definition files before using. Sysclean from Trend Micro, available at the links
below, is an example of such a program. If you use additional virus scanning
programs be sure to disable your current primary program while doing the scan as it
may think that it is a malicious program. You should also always shut down your
personal firewall [after disconnecting from the internet] and antivirus program when
installing any software. --- Steve

Alright thanks. I have one more question though =\. One
time i downloaded and installed a firewall or anti-virus
on my computer (cant remember) and it crashed down. I
asked the repairman why it happened and he said we weren't
supposed to have and use 2 firewalls and/or 2 anti- viruses.

I already have a firewall set up ( the one found in my
network connections)and would installing another firewall
destroy my files or something? I wouldn't want all my
files to go away again and im just wondering if installing
it would cause a problem.

Thanks again!!

connections and TCPView is a free processes.
The program you want is a below
on recommended security

Hash: SHA1

Arnold wrote:
| My internet activity goes from 15 packets to 200 000
| packets in a couple of minutes. It seems as though
| something else is using my internet. I am just wondering
| if there is any way to configure my internet settings to
| stop my activity from going all the way to 200 000 and
| also if there is a program that would limit internet use
| to selected programs only. I hope that this is not thet
| work of any virus or worm on my computer.
| Thanks ! =)

You haven't got any wireless gateways which are not using WEP have you?
Could be people using your wireless to connect?

Just a thought :-)
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