The PC is connected via NIC direct to Motorola SB4100 cable modem and has worked okay in the last few days. Now there is a problem obtaining IP address and always the subnet is which is no good as the modem subnet is 255.255.255.
If I connect my router to the modem with other PCs they can all obtain IP addresses, access the internet and see each other on the network
When I connect the problem PC it has the same problem as above and has difficulty obtaining IP address. I have run ipconfig /all and can see that the NIC has a IP address but the subnet is different from everything else on the network and so will not communicate. The NIC is Reltek 8139/810x. I have downloaded latest drivers for NIC reinstalled windows and tried with win98 and win2000 both with same resul
----- JR K Yoshikawa wrote: ----
If that is modem you need router or enable ICS on your PC
how that modem connect to your PC(USB, connect to NIC)
did you follow your modem instructions
what is your modem make and model
which ISP do you try to connect
(If your modem are router enable DHCP Server
MM0BQI said:
Trying to connect win2000 PC to broadband modem on home LAN
When I type configip /renew there is a delay and after 2mins following error shows 'error occured renewing adaptor local are
connection DHCP server unavailable