Config System font size in registry

  • Thread starter Thread starter Gavin
  • Start date Start date


Hi all,

I'm a Windows XP (English) user. My default language is "Chinese (Taiwan)".
Microsoft default the System Chinese font to Mingliu.ttf. But this font is
not beauty and I want to change to another font say "Microsoft Jheng Hei".
Thus, I inserted this font to "Tahoma" in my registry
"HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontLink\SystemLink":

"Tahoma" RegMulti_SZ "msjh.ttf Microsoft Jheng Hei mingliu.ttc
PMingliu ....."

With this change, I suppose when my XP meet a text that mixed with English
and Chinese charactes, it will use the Microsoft Jheng Hei font to display
the Chinese characters (rather the original Mingliu font) and Tahoma for
English characters.

I then restarted my XP. I clicked to my "Start" menu which contains some
Applications' names containing mixture of Chinese and English. All the
characters shown as expected except that the font size of Chinese characters
becomes very small. I know that this is because I used the font "Tahoma"
with font size =8 in my "Display" setting. But, I don't want to set this
font larger through "Display" setting as it will make the English text
becomes too large.

How can I configure the default font size for "Microsoft Jheng Hei" in this
situation? Why this problem didn't happen when I use MingLiu font? Is there
any registry setting govern the font size of Mingliu font?

Many thanks.