#Hai said:
I want Internet Explorer to use localhost server ( as proxy server
instead of connect directly to the ISP. How to do this (by programming) ?
Here's an example in C++ to get you started:
Basically, you have to create an array of
INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION objects and set their
various values to configure the proxy/connection
settings and pass it to the InternetSetOption function
In general, though, I'd recommend you not start messing with
your user's proxy settings as this has various security
implications and in fact, some virus/system scanners may try
to block you from doing it.
You should open the Internet Explorer settings dialog during
your setup and prompt the user to fill in the blanks.
I suppose you could have a msgbox asking the user whether
they wanted you to do it programmatically, that would be
But it looks like it's a pain in the butt to change the
settings using InternetSetOption.