Conditions - If /Then

  • Thread starter Thread starter Lisa
  • Start date Start date


What is the statement used to automatically fill in a
field (1 of 4 available) depending on the contents in the
description field (multiple line list of descriptions).
What is the statement used to automatically fill in a
field (1 of 4 available) depending on the contents in the
description field (multiple line list of descriptions).

You'll have to clarify your setup here!

What table fields do you have? What datatypes? What's the context:
inserting a new record on a form?

It sounds like what you will want can be done one of
two ways. If this is a calculation that will need to run
once per form and then will be complete and relatively
static, you can use IIF statements. The syntax is as

IIF(comparitor,true results,false results)

ex: IIF([My Field]="No","No","Maybe")

In the example it says if "My Field" is "No" then the
current field is "No" and if "My Field" is anything else,
then the current Field will be "Maybe".

The other way, if you will need this to be constantly
updated or if you have a large number of possibilities
would be to build another table and use DLookup. Help
files for it are in Access as it would take way too much
room here. HTH
