Conditional Summing



I have a summing question. I want to, by day, sum the values in the 4th and
5th rows respectively based on the Machine #.
For example: for the 28th the sum for 179 would be 85 Actual, the sum for
216 would be 271 Actual etc.
Is this possible with the data laid out as below?
Thank you very much in advance
Rich K

Date Machinist Machine # Actual Hrs. Worked
28-Apr-08 Kifle 179 85 7.50
Cathy 216 95 7.50
Nor 216 88 7.50
Kifle 216 88 7.50
Dan 205 99 7.50

29-Apr-08 Kifle 216 87 7.50
Cathy 216 85 7.50

30-Apr-08 Kifle 216 91 7.50
Cathy 216 83 7.50

1-May-08 Kifle 216 85 7.50
Cathy 216 83 7.50

2-May-08 Kifle 216 92 7.50
Cathy 216 83 7.50

Sandy Mann

It would simplify your problem greatly if you had the date in *every* Row
with data in it. You could then use SUMPRODUCT():



In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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Sandy Mann

As long as you found an answer - that is the important thing


In Perth, the ancient capital of Scotland
and the crowning place of kings

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