Conditional Rank



I am trying to use the following function to rank part of an array based on
one condition, but the function returns the rank for the entire array. Any




Harlan Grove

iperlovsky said:
I am trying to use the following function to rank part of an array based on
one condition, but the function returns the rank for the entire array.  Any


I'm guessing you want the rank for Calls!B100 within those cells in
Calls!B1:B1000 corresponding to cells in Calls!A1:A1000 equal to Calls!
A100. If Excel would allow it, that'd be


However, Excel only supports range references as 2nd argument to RANK,
not arrays. You'd need to use something like


if all cells in Calls!B1:B1000 contain numbers. If some could contain
text, e.g., contain formulas that could evaluate to "", try



Thanks, that is a clean way of getting there. How would I incorporate a
"correction factor" for tied ranks?

Harlan Grove

iperlovsky said:
Thanks, that is a clean way of getting there. How would I incorporate a
"correction factor" for tied ranks?

If you don't need to worry about being sued for arbitrary ordering of
ties, use their original entry order. If all cells in Calls!B1:B1000
contain numbers, try


Adjust the 1E9 (Excel converts this to 1000000000) figure as
necessary. It should be large enough so that the row correction term
is smaller in absolute value than MIN(Calls!$B$1:$B$1000) but not so
large that it would be discarded due to Excel's 15 decimal digit
precision. For example, if 1000000000 were one of the values in Calls!
B1:B1000 and you try to add 1/1000000000 = 0.000000001 to it, the
value would remain 1000000000 since 1000000000.000000001 would require
19 decimal digits.

If there could be nonnumeric values in Calls!B1:B1000, you'll need to
use an array formula like



That works as expected. I had to use the array formula because the data set
contained non-numeric blank cells. Thanks, it really solved my rank issue.

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