First, this isn't *really* a FrontPage question--but I am using Frontpage as
my HTML editor so here goes...
The following code is from the HTML Status Bar--a 'customizable' portion of
the display at the cash register when using the Point of Sale module of
Microsoft's Retail Management Sytem:
<body onload="doStartup()" scroll="no" STYLE="position:absolute; top:0px;
left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; padding:10px; font:bold 13pt verdana;
StartColorStr='#8eb6d9', EndColorStr='#000000')">
What I want to do is make the background & font colors conditional on a
customers credit limit.
Basically, I want to do this:
<if> CreditLimit < 0
<body onload [see above, except font color = black, gradient starts and ends
with FF0000]>
<else [default background code above]>
But HTML doesn't have an if statement...
my HTML editor so here goes...
The following code is from the HTML Status Bar--a 'customizable' portion of
the display at the cash register when using the Point of Sale module of
Microsoft's Retail Management Sytem:
<body onload="doStartup()" scroll="no" STYLE="position:absolute; top:0px;
left:0px; width:100%; height:100%; padding:10px; font:bold 13pt verdana;
StartColorStr='#8eb6d9', EndColorStr='#000000')">
What I want to do is make the background & font colors conditional on a
customers credit limit.
Basically, I want to do this:
<if> CreditLimit < 0
<body onload [see above, except font color = black, gradient starts and ends
with FF0000]>
<else [default background code above]>
But HTML doesn't have an if statement...