Conditional Formatting for Comments



Is there a way to insert a word or comment into a cell using conditional
formats? For the cell in question, I have written an IF statement that will
enter a 1 when something is incorrect. I've written that formula to be
=IF(A2<B2,1,""). For cells with a 1 in it, I've used conditional format to
highlight it red. I also want to figure out a way for that cell to say
"Check Times." How do I do that?


Hi Daren

I have used the iferror formula to do that. Something like
=IFERROR(someformual(A3,'blahblah'!$A$3:$AT$3750,2,FALSE),"Check Times")
This will place the text value in any cell that encounters an error. I use
it to point users at the most likely problem when they use one of my tools.
Hope that helps.

(e-mail address removed)

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