Windows XP conditional formatting - copying columns

Jun 12, 2008
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Hoping someone mightbe able to help!

I have conditionally formatted a cell and have managed to copy this down the column, so that each cell (eg B1, B2, B3), relates to the revelant row (eg A1, A2, A3).

Now what I want to do is have columns C and D also relate to column A. What seems to be happening is column C relates to column B instead.

I hope this makes sense, and I hope someone can help, as this has been bugging me for days!!

Many thanks in advance

I suspect your formula is copying relative, that is when you copy to C the next column to the left is B so it relates to B.

You need to make the reference to A absolute by prefixing it with $ so when refering to A1 etc you make it $A1 etc. Then when you copy the formula to C and D it will still refer to A.
another query though!!!! Is there a way to lock the conditional format when copying the sheet onto another workbook. When I do this the precedence of the CF changes and where I put blanks to be the first precedence, it changes them so some of the cells are highlighted when blank.