Conditional formatting: Colour coding




I'm trying to set conditional formatting so that my spreadsheet has the
following colour code:

Cell Value Is equal to ="Low"
FORMAT = Fill Green

Cell Value Is equal to ="Medium"
FORMAT = Fill Yellow

Cell Value Is equal to ="High"
FORMAT = Fill Red

I know this sounds simple, but for some reason it's not working! I have
those values in the Conditional Formatting box, but when i type High it
doesn't highlight the cell red.

Is there something I'm doing wrong?

Many thanks,


Ensure that you do not have doubled the quotation marks in the assigned box
it should read :
and not:
also be sure that you formated the cells with the actual criteria, and not
ones next to them.



Thanks for the advice. I've checked that they only have single speech marks
(e.g. "Medium") but for some reason it only seems to remember the first
condition i put in.

As soon as i add a 2nd and 3rd condition, it only applies them once and
doesn't work again after that one time. Then when i go back into conditional
formatting it has only saved my "Low" condition but it doesn't seem to keep
the "Medium" and "High" conditions?

I'm not sure if i'm just missing something!


If your words : Low, Medium and High are all in the same column,
then scroll over the whole column that contain your words ( or rows for that
while they are highlighted, do the 3 conditional formats, this should work
unless there is a spelling error.
You could instesd of typing the words into the conditional formatting also
refer to three different cells that have the words Low, Medium and high in
them - away from where you are working
Ie: say you have the word Low in cell AA1, Medium in AA2, and High in AA3
then you could reference the cells instead of typing them - that eliminates
spelling issues.


That's what i was doing wrong! I highlighted the 2 colums where those values
are entered and it now works.

Thanks :)

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