Thanks again for your help.
Comments on your answers in order:
1. Because each column has a header row, my intention was to simply say "if
L1=[the heading] then color it red." That's easy to do and effectively makes
it a conditional format, because it will always be true. I could then do
similar for all columns E through L. But I still haven't understood a wayto
use the color of the cell as a variable. I don't want to spend too much time
on that, though. I can do it differently without much effort.
2. Just FYI, Conditional Formatting doesn't seem to like relative addresses
in the "Applies To" field. It converts them all to absolute addresses. Since
I wanted this to apply to all cells in the M column other than the first,I
tried "M2:M1048576" but after I clicked OK it change it to "$M2:$M1048576.."
It still works, however.
3. That works!
You're awesome. I greatly appreciate both your knowledge and your clear
Pete_UK said:
Glad it worked for you, though obviously you want more !!
In answer to your questions:
1. It all depends what kind of condition you want to set for L4.
Suppose you want L4 to be red if it contains "x", then you can set
that up with L4 selected and this time you can choose Cell Value Is,
then choose Equal To and put x in the next box, then click Format and
set the background colour to red. Then the setting for M4 would match
the setting for L4 (as long as M4 is greater than 0).
2. You do not need to set the conditions for one cell at a time.
Suppose you want M4 down to M50 to have that setting, then you should
highlight M4:M50 and have M4 as the active cell in that range before
clicking on Conditional Formatting, and if you use relative addressing
in the formula (as we did), then it will automatically apply to that
range when you have finished. Another way, if you have already set it
up for M4 is to select M4 then click on the Format Painter icon and
then select the range M5:M50.
If you wanted it to apply to columns as well as rows, then you would
need to highlight a block of cells (eg M4:R50) and use semi-absolute
addressing for L4 in the formula, i.e. the formula would need to be:
with M4 as the active cell, and then if L4 contained "x" all the cells
from M4 to R4 would show red if they contained a value greater than
3. Again it depends on what CF you would set for those cells in
columns E to L. You need to set up CF for each column of E to L in
turn, as you will have a different colour for each column. Then you
need to set the CF for column M. In XL2007 you can have many more
conditional formats than the 3 that was allowed in earlier versions,
and here you would need 8 conditions, each giving rise to a different
colour as set for the 8 columns. In the CF dialogue box, when you
click OK (once) after setting the format, you can then set others by
clicking the Add button. The CFs take precedence from the order in
which you set them up, so you would need to set up a formula with
columns L and M first, and use the colour that you have set for L.
Your second CF would have a formula that used K and M, and would pick
the colour set for column K. And so on.
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