Conditional formatting a row

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jacqueline Bendana
  • Start date Start date

Jacqueline Bendana

I would like to now if it's possible to conditional format
a whole row that contains the criteria of one cell. For


20 30 45 80 90 remake

The cell F meets the criteria for the conditional
formatting. I would like for it to highlight the whole row
based that the one cell met the criteria on that row.
Please help.
us a FormulaIs condition, with a formula of
in every cell in the row

If you highlight the entire row (or range of rows) and select
Format|Conditional Formatting

Use "Formula Is"

=$F4="remake" (I'm assuming that is the criteria)

and then set your format.

Note that the formula is interpreted relative to the active cell. So the $F
is an absolute reference and will always refer to that column and the 4 in
this case assumes that the active cell is in row 4.

Assumed the range is $A1:$J21 and row1 has the headings.
criteria is in $M$13
select A2:J21 (A2 should be the active cell)
Format>Conditional Formatting>
in the Conditional Formatting dialog box
change the "cell value is" to "formula is"
and type the following formula
click Format button and select the colour from the patterns page
click OK, OK
It worked. Great !!! :) How can I copy the conditional
format formula to the rest of the sheet. I copied paste
special (Format and Value) but did not work. It formated
the whole sheet although it did not meet the criteria.
Use the format painter.

Select a cell where the conditional formatting is working, and double-click
the yellow paintbrush icon on the Standard toolbar (the cursor changes to a
paintbrush). Then just click on all the other cells to apply it to. When
done, press Esc to come out of the formatting., and change the cursor back.
It would be faster to Select all cells on the worksheet (Ctrl+A)
before entering the Conditional Formatting. Note the C.F.
involved here colors the entire row. Also keep in mind that
the formula used is based on the activecell.

Using the Format Painter is useful if you forget to do the above,
but the Format Painter copies ALL formatting not just the C.F.
so you probably want to start with an entire row and not just
a single cell to help reduce some possible surprises.

I have a page on Conditional Formatting
David McRitchie, Microsoft MVP - Excel
My Excel Pages: