Jade Paterson
I have a report that list the racers by name in each race. I would like to
be able to color code the best (red) and second best (green) racers in the
first lap, second lap, and final time. Is there a way to do this?
Name 1st Lap 2nd Lap Final
Alan 2:00 4:00 6:00(green)
Clint 1:45(red) 3:45 6:10
Dan 1:50(green) 3:30(red) 6:01
Mike 1:55 3:40(green) 5:40(red)
be able to color code the best (red) and second best (green) racers in the
first lap, second lap, and final time. Is there a way to do this?
Name 1st Lap 2nd Lap Final
Alan 2:00 4:00 6:00(green)
Clint 1:45(red) 3:45 6:10
Dan 1:50(green) 3:30(red) 6:01
Mike 1:55 3:40(green) 5:40(red)