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Some Examples of Text Comparison in Conditional Formatting
contained in
There isn't a real simple comparison
=A1="Total" -- not case sensitive
but there are the following text comparisons for C.F.:
Contains P.O. Box, or variations POBox, Post Office Box, PO Box, and others, Jason Morin in Worksheet.Functions
-- SEARCH is not case sensitive, FIND is case sensitive
Duplicate Lastname in column with "Lastname, Firstname": Peo Sjoblom 2002-05-06
-- several other duplicate tests as well.
Exact Comparison case sensitive
FIND string in Cell A1 anywhere in cells of Column A
=AND(SEARCH($A$1,$A1),ROW()>1,$A$1<>"") -- case insensitive allows wildcards
=AND(FIND($A$1,$A1),ROW()>1,$A$1<>"") -- case sensitive
Looks Blank or ISBLANK -- the equivalent VBA formula is ISEMPTY
=TRIM(A1)="" -- looks blank
=ISBLANK(A1) -- actually is blank, no constants no formulas
=TRIM(A1)<>"" -- does not look blank
=NOT(ISBLANK(A1)) -- actually not blank, may contain formulas
Row is colored, if word "total" appears anywhere within any cell on the row. (wildcards).
Ctrl+A, with A1 or any cell on row 1 selected
=COUNTIF(1:1,"*total*") -- Jason Morin, worksheet.functions, 2003-08-01