I wonder if this is possible: I have an array of data of
Latitudes/Longitudes with the cell value being Altitude (DEM). With
condformat I have painted the cells in different colors for three different
altitude range. This looks like a nice topo map, but there are only three
colors due to conformat limitation. If I could have as many colors as a
standard topo map (why not 10) the display would look like a bona fide
topomap, especially if the value of the cells is made invisible and the
window is shrunk to "selection"=array.
If I define the data array as in Sheet1, and if I define anywhere a LookUp
array with a vertical vector of altitudes, say, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, etc.
and next vector on right is a corresponding series of codes. Assume these
codes are windows color codes.
If in Sheet 2 for each corresponding cell in Sheet1 I write something like
"For ActiveCell Fill with colorcode found in lookup table in using Value
found in corresponding Cell in sheet1 as an input"
Would I get it? I have seen some VBA programming I believe that use
Latitudes/Longitudes with the cell value being Altitude (DEM). With
condformat I have painted the cells in different colors for three different
altitude range. This looks like a nice topo map, but there are only three
colors due to conformat limitation. If I could have as many colors as a
standard topo map (why not 10) the display would look like a bona fide
topomap, especially if the value of the cells is made invisible and the
window is shrunk to "selection"=array.
If I define the data array as in Sheet1, and if I define anywhere a LookUp
array with a vertical vector of altitudes, say, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, etc.
and next vector on right is a corresponding series of codes. Assume these
codes are windows color codes.
If in Sheet 2 for each corresponding cell in Sheet1 I write something like
"For ActiveCell Fill with colorcode found in lookup table in using Value
found in corresponding Cell in sheet1 as an input"
Would I get it? I have seen some VBA programming I believe that use